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Recognition Day

I was really overwhelmed when I got an invitation from my Math teacher. He asked me to be the guest speaker on their Recognition Day. I never thought that I could be the right person to inspire those kids. Hehehe…

Not so long ago, I was also seated exactly where they were seated that time and hearing an inspirational talk from a guest speaker back then. I never really imagined myself addressing them on their Recognition Day.

My role, according to the invitation is to give an inspirational talk and as I was trying to produce my speech I kept asking myself, "Who do I inspire?" I presumed that there will be three groups of people - the best and the winners who will be recognized, those who have tried and have lost, and those who haven't tried at all. I have decided that it will be best if we will inspire each other, to learn lessons from each other, to share successes and failures and the lessons that we can derive from them.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to use my prepared speech. Good thing I was able to come up with an impromptu speech. (whoa!) I'm just hoping that they learned something from me. ^^

I didn't expect that a plaque of appreciation will be given to me

Back then, I was one of those students who were being recognized. That day, I was the one giving out their medals and certificates. I really felt so blessed and honored to be part of the said event.

Teachers were also recognized on the said event

Life can never be all wins. “Sooner or later, everyone will fall short at something important to them - whether it is a job, a dream, a relationship. Let failure in one endeavor make you better at another area. Let failure also teach us about the need to give people second chances and that life is a road with unpredictable twists and unexpected tomorrows. To take advantage of what life has to offer, don't let yourself be destroyed by a defeat, or let others set limits on your ability to achieve”

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